Your opportunity to influence research on shellfish with the Roslin Institute supported via the Fishmongers’ Company’s Charitable Trust
And read and think about :
• Are we disconnected from the food we eat?
• Look out for the ASSG conference in late October
• Also the Seafood Summit in St Andrews (plus golf?)
• Stranraer Oyster festival
• Shellfish culture
and much more…..
“The Grower” is the Newsletter of the Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers. It is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December. It is distributed as hard copy to all members of the Association and to Government and Policy organisations and contributors. It is also published on the Association website and there is an extensive and highly targeted mailing list which extends its coverage to all parts of the world.
The newsletter welcomes submission of any material relevant to the interests of shellfish farmers. Articles should normally be not more than 1200 words but we are happy to publish anything from just a paragraph of 200 words to the longer item with the only requirement being that it should be of interest or concern of the shellfish farming community. We particularly welcome photos to accompany articles or just of general interest. We also welcome experience accounts from other parts of the world.
Deadlines for copy for 2024 are:-
March 1st
June 3rd
September 6th
November 29th
Articles or notices should meet these deadlines. Advertising costs are £200 full page, £100 half page and £50 quarter page. Members of the ASSG can place small ads free of charge (less than a quarter page).
YEARLY CONTRACTS - adverts can be booked for a 4 issue contract with a discount on the above prices - (£720 for 4 full page ads, £360 for 4 issues of half page, £180 for 4 quarter page ads).
Payment for a four-issue contract will be payable after the first insertion. See link below for sizing information.
Any enquiries should be addressed to the editor
Dr Janet H. Brown
Tel + 44 1786 479038
See link below for size specifications. Adverts should be submitted as high resolution PDF files, or Jpegs or Word documents.
Seek advice for the Editor if you are unsure.
Adverts in other formats cannot be accepted.
Membership of the ASSG offers numerous benefits to shellfish growers and those in allied sectors. Join now and support the industry.