Our conference and trade exhibition will be held on the Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th October in the Corran Halls, Oban.

The theme of "Scottish Cultivated Shellfish - Assuring Value" will see a range of presentations detailing the various ways in which our Scottish industry contributes to the social, economic and environmental fabric of Scottish coastal waters and dependent communities.

With trade stands and suppliers together with exceptional seafood lunches and our annual best Scottish shellfish competition for producers, this is as always an event not to be missed.

Further details and booking information will be available by the end of August. For enquiries regarding trade stands availability please use the contact details on our homepage.

We look forward to meeting once again in the autumn!

2022 Timetable, (times may be subject to change)

Day 1, 6th October 2022 11:30 - Open for Delegate Registration Trade Stands and Discussions – Light Refreshments

11:00 - Dr Tim Bean Roslin Institute - shellfish disease and alien species diagnostics.

12:00 - Conference Welcome – Nick Lake – Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers

12:10 - Marine Space and Aquaculture Access – Amanda Bryan – Chair, Crown Estate Scotland

12:30 (Start of judging) - Best Scottish Shellfish – Competition (Awards Sponsored by HIE) Lead Judge – Nicki Holmyard: with Eleanor Adamson Fishmongers’ Company; Linda Wood M&S and; Alfie Little, Riverhouse Restaurant Inverness

12:40 Buffet Lunch Trade Stands and Discussions

Conference Session 1 - The Scottish Landscape

14:00 – 14:20 - Aquaculture Development – Mairi Gougeon MSP – Scottish Government, Cabinet Secretary Rural Affairs and Islands

14:20 – 14:35 - Marine Finfish – Tavish Scott – CEO, Salmon Scotland

14:40 – 14:55 - Growing Seaweed and Sea Vegetables – Kyla Orr – Director, Kelpcrofting

15:00 – 15:15 - Scottish Cultivated shellfish Michael Tait – Director, ASSG& Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group

15:20 – 15:50 - RefreshmentsTrade Stands and Discussions

Conference Session 2 - Operational Environment

15:50 – 16:10 - Assessing Aquacultures Footprint – Amy McGoohan – University of Edinburgh

16:15 – 16:35 - Sustainability and Consumer Awareness – Linda Wood – Marks & Spencer Plc

16:40 – 17:00 - Considering Natural Capital  – Cathy Tilbrook – Director, NatureScot

17:00 – 18:15 - RefreshmentsTrade Stands and Discussions

17:15 – 18:00 - Shell-volution – Stakeholder Engagement Meeting (By Invitation) Gregg Arthur / Programme Manager UHI

19:00 - 19:30 - Annual Dinner at Waterfront Fishhouse Restaurant, Oban + Awards Presentation! Best Scottish Shellfish Winners– awards presented by Elaine Jamieson – Head of Blue Economy Food &Drink, Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Day 2, Friday 7th October 22 - ASSG Conference 2022

08:30 - Open for Delegates – Trade Stands and Discussions

09:00 – 09:10 - Conference Welcome – Nick Lake – Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers

Conference Session 3Industry Evolution

09:15 – 09:40 - Ireland’s Experience – Rory Campbell – Director, Seafood Technical Services, BIM, Ireland

09:45 – 10:00 - Scottish Finfish Developments – Iain Berrill – Head of Technical, Salmon Scotland

10:05 – 10:15 - Shell-volution – Identifying Opportunities – Gregg Arthur – UHI & Islands Deal Consortium

10:15 – 10:30 - What Is Sustainable Aquaculture? – Heather Jones – CEO, SAIC

10:30 – 11:15 - RefreshmentsTrade Stands and Discussions

Conference Session 4 The Way Ahead

11:20 – 11:35 - Marine Finfish – Tavish Scot – CEO, Salmon Scotland

11:40 – 11:55 - Scottish Aquaculture Vision – Jill Barber – Head of Aquaculture, Marine Scotland

12:00 – 12:15 - Cultivated Shellfish, Stephen Cameron, Managing Director, Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group

12:20 – 12:30 - Closing Remarks – Nick Lake – Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers

12:30 – 14:30 - Buffet LunchTrade Stands and Discussions


Membership of the ASSG offers numerous benefits to shellfish growers and those in allied sectors. Join now and support the industry.


In the NEWS

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Opportunities for Scottish Farmed Shellfish

Crown Estate Scotland – Commissioned Research Finding

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